Our services

Teeth Whitening with Power-Bleaching Method

Price: CHF 350.- / Duration: ca. 90min

This session offers a complete teeth polish and teeth whitening with Power-Bleaching method - the most effective and gentle method to get whiter teeth fast.

Package: Dental Hygiene + Power-Bleaching

Price: CHF 450.- / Duration: ca. 120min

This package includes a complete teeth cleaning and a Power-Bleaching treatment. Freshly cleaned teeth will ensure the best results for the teeth whitening treatment. 

Power-Bleaching with Philips Zoom

Special! CHF 449.- instead of CHF 500.- / Duration: ca. 90min

The Power-Bleaching treatment from Philips for experienced patients or patients with low or no sensitivity and the wish for maximal teeth withening result.

Package: DH + Power-Bleaching with Philips Zoom

Special! CHF 499.- instead of CHF 650.- / Duration: ca. 120min

This package includes a complete teeth cleaning and a Power-Bleaching treatment from Philips Zoom for healthy and maximal whitened teeth.

Soft-Bleaching for sensitive teeth

Price: CHF 190.- / Duration: ca. 60min

Soft-Bleaching is the ideal whitening method for customers with very sensitive teeth. The concentration of whitening agents (0-15% hydrogen peroxide) is lower than in the Power-Bleaching gel (25-40%). 

Package: DH + Soft-Bleaching

Price: CHF 290.- / Duration: ca. 90min

Includes a complete teeth cleaning and a Soft-Bleaching.

Bleaching Fresh-Up

Price: CHF 190.- / Duration: ca. 60min

The "Fresh-Up Bleaching" offer is made specially for patients who already did a session with Power-Bleaching and who want to refresh and prevent their teeth from coloring again (e.g. every 6 months depending on teeth condition). 

Package: DH + Bleaching Fresh-Up

Price: CHF 290.- / Duration: ca. 60min

Included a complete teeth cleaning and a professional bleaching fresh-up treatment.

Dental Hygiene

Price: CHF 150.- / Duration: 60min

The "Dental Hygiene" package includes a thorough teeth cleaning, plaque removal as well as consulting, instruction and control, exclusively performed by our qualified dental hygienist.


The complete dental hygiene consultation for teens and children under the age of 16 is offered at a flat rate of CHF 80.-.

Partner Special!

Power-Bleaching / CHF 290.- each 

Power-Bleaching + Teeth Cleaning / CHF 390.- each

Book together with your partner/friend and get a special discount of CHF 60 each!

Duration: ca. 90 and 120min respectively


Teeth Whitening, Power Bleaching, White Teeth

Do you have questions?

Contact us for a free consultation on 044 558 50 22 or send us an e-mail to info@bleaching24.ch.


Want to book an appointment?

Have you decide to give your teeth a new life? Book an appointment with us online. 

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